Why is Loving My Family So Hard? - Accepting Reality With the Serenity Prayer

Why is Loving My Family So Hard? Accepting Reality With the Serenity Prayer Unmet Expectations Have you ever been caught off guard by the changes of living at home again - or even just visiting for a few days? Do you struggle with being patient and kind to your family members when they push your buttons? Loving our families is often one of the toughest spiritual battlefields God calls us to enter. When I'm surrounded by young Catholics who are striving to grow in relationship with Jesus, I develop an expectation for how my life is supposed to flow and I can easily take actions of love. But when I go home... that's where my patience and charity is really tested. When faced with the completely different lifestyle of my family, I can despair because it feels disconnected from God or we don't treat each other in a loving way. One of the toughest things about loving family is the fact that I can't choose them like I can choose friends. There are always those little ways my...